Horizon In The Middle Of Nowhere Episode 1 English Dub

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English: Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere
Japanese: 境界線上のホライゾン


Episodes: 13
Aired: Oct 2, 2011 to Dec 25, 2011
Broadcast: Sundays at 02:58 (JST)
Producers:Bandai Visual, Lantis, ASCII Media Works, Sony PCL
Genres:Action, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Ranked: #29092
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13 of 13 episodes seen
Veronin(All reviews)
348 people found this review helpful
'Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere' is a very difficult anime to describe.
It synthesizes humor, action, and romance together into a series where each element is an irreplaceable part of the dynamic and story. Because it combines many different elements together at once it can easily bewilder the viewer and leave them in a position where they have little clue of where it is going. For some this may be a significant flaw and hold back their enjoyment while for others it may pave the way for an interesting and unpredictable story. This is definitely not an anime for everybody.
The story begins in a distant and somewhat bleak future. Humanity previously ascended into space but was forced back to Earth after fighting and warring beyond their limit, only to find Earth itself in an equally devastated condition. With Japan the only hospitable and habitable area remaining on Earth, humanity is split into the Harmonic Divine States where each administrative district is ruled by an individual country. It's then that humanity uses the Testament, a book detailing the events of past human civilization, as a guide to regaining their former glory by the means of reenacting human history. Unfortunately for the Far East—originally Japan itself— conditions are less than ideal as they are forced out of the country by the other ruling nations. A sizable portion of the Japanese refugees flee to the flying city ship 'Musashi', which is where the story of the anime takes place.
'Horizon' boasts an interesting and unique array of characters, ranging wildly in terms of personality, appearance, and gender. Most notably is the protagonist Aoi Tori, a happy-go-lucky and heavily perverted teenager holding a strong preoccupation with erotic games and a propensity to grope the tender regions of the females around him. On paper this likely makes him seem a very annoying character but in the actual show his interactions with the characters are nothing short of hilarious and as the series progresses he develops into a genuinely likable character. His perversion is not so much a running gag as it is a defining and inherent part of his personality, one which makes him stand out more than any other character in the series. In a medium where bland self-insert protagonists are the mainstay, it’s a really great and refreshing thing to be able to see a protagonist with his own personality and a likable one to boot. It’s this behavior that also conflicts and contrasts well with the object of his affections, Horizon, a girl that he sets out at the beginning of the series with the objective of confessing his feelings to. Their relationship by the end of the series comes across as very endearing and heartwarming, something that would never be expected at first given the nature of his personality.
Dozens of other interesting and likable characters fill the rest of the story and create a sense of camaraderie. Most of the more important characters receive significant character development in proportion to the length of the anime, such as Suzu and her relationship and crush on Tori, and Tori's older sister Kimi and the past surrounding their relationship. Giving all of the characters sufficient screentime and developing them to any significant extent is difficult given the short length of the anime, but Sunrise does a good job of helping the audience at least feel connected to most of the characters on-screen with their own individual plights and teamwork as a group.
Unfortunately, the anime begins with very slow and inconsistent pacing which may initially put off viewers. Sunrise has personally admitted to the difficulty of adapting the early parts of the novel and it really shows in the first three episodes. While they aren't by any means bad episodes, they are definitely slow-paced and it takes a while for the anime to actually take off and set its feet into what makes it such an entertaining anime in the first place. After these episodes, Horizon really begins to shine and show what it does best, and that is the engaging action sequences and comedy between the characters. It’s a silly and lighthearted series where the characters fool and mess around in even the most climactic sequences but it never feels forced or out of place and the serious moments never fail to deliver either. These comedic traits in the characters are an inherent part of their personality and to remove that would likely lead to them feeling out of character and for the tone of the anime to sharply contrast in itself.
And for that reason, people that are expecting the anime to be serious and dramatic throughout are likely in for a world of disappointment. This isn't necessarily thought-provoking and there isn't an abundance of thematic depth to be found, but it’s rather simply an entertaining and amusing anime. If that’s something that you aren't personally fine with then you would be doing yourself a favor by avoiding the series.
Perhaps the largest flaw can be attributed to the complex and sometimes convoluted story. Aside from passing mentions and a few minutes of infodump during the credits of the first episode, the audience isn't left with much idea of the setting for the entire duration of the series. To have even a basic grasp of what is going on with the story it’s nearly mandatory to spend time online reading up on and researching the series. For a visual medium and an adaptation where reading the source material should not be a requirement, this is a massive detriment to the series. There’s no doubt that it would have been hard to convey all the details of the setting but I can’t help but feel like Sunrise could have done something a little more, even spending just a fraction of an episode to explain the basics to the audience. There’s some great worldbuilding here but it’s hampered by a convoluted and confusing presentation.
One thing that Sunrise should be commended for is the fantastic music used in the anime and the application of these tracks. A few of them in particular verge on stunning and they stand out almost immediately; and with the use of some tracks during the climax they essentially become a defining aspect of the series itself, being as irreplaceable as the characters and the setting. Whatever your disposition towards the anime, it’s nigh impossible to criticize the music.
Ultimately, the most important question in determining whether or not this anime is for you is quite simply this— do you enjoy silliness and are you willing to accept a story that you may not fully understand? While it’s certainly flawed in some significant ways, 'Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere' is still a very entertaining anime that stands out from its competitors and has some fairly interesting details going for it. It’s unlikely that it will make its way onto your list of favorites or become something you remember for years and years to pass, but for what it is, it’s an engrossing and sometimes compelling series that should at least be given a try beyond the mostly lackluster and non-representative introductory episodes.
It's just unfortunate that so many people will choose to disregard a potentially great title based upon the first episodes.
13 of 13 episodes seen
Yemi_Hikari(All reviews)
104 people found this review helpful
This particular Anime started off on the wrong foot but in the end left me looking forward to the second season. The first four episodes are heavy handed and will be a challenge for some to get through. The best way to put it is, this Anime is set up like most Historical dramas are. The start of the storyline is about setting up the history for those who don't know anything about the history, because otherwise the viewer would find themselves confused.
However, unlike most Historical dramas just about any fan of Historical Fiction will be left in the dark because this particular show creates its own history. Which is rather ironic because there is this constant talk about recreating history running through the entire show, yet it hasn't become clear to me yet which part of history they've been trying to recreate. This has left me wondering if we'll ever find out or if the characters only think they are recreating the history that is down in their books. Which would be a definite satirical about how people have tried to recreate history over the years.
The art work for the Anime is spectacular despite the fact the artist has a tenancy to exaggerate the female chest area. The drawings are filled with detail and there is a wide variety of character designs. You also have buildings that look very much like the historical buildings you would see in Japan mixed in with intricate technological designs. On top of this, the sound track for the Anime is beautiful, particularly when you get to hear Horizon sing.
The characterization is another place that people will find themselves struggling to get through during the first four episodes. In truth, the first four episodes are about setting the characters up. One ends up with snip-its of their personalities through out the first four episodes. When the plot begins to really unfold, then to do the characters begin to come out in their full capacity. Of course, a good deal of the male characters come across as perverts. On the other side the characters that tend to be this way are high school who are still learning about life which is interesting in its own regard.
As for my actual enjoyment, this is the kind of show that I enjoyed more after I finished watching it rather then during. It wasn't until after I finished that I could appreciate the complexity of the storyline and the elements that were chosen to be placed into the dynamic.
10 of 13 episodes seen
xsnowberry(All reviews)
79 people found this review helpful
First of all, if you don't like history..good luck.
I've watched it from the start of episode 1 when it came out and I was confused!! I reluctantly continued to watch it as some say 'just continue watching and then you'll understand.' Now, after the 4th episode I realized things just got serious.
To watch this anime, you may need to have the ability to cram some information in your heads. I thought it was interesting how politics were so influenced in this anime. Just give it a chance and don't bluntly say 'OMG, IT'S SO CONFUSING IT SUCKS!' Heck, with the hard work they made to make this anime I believe it would turn out great.
I also like the action in this anime. It's very detailed with your fine explosions and such.
7 of 13 episodes seen
SayaViking(All reviews)
72 people found this review helpful
If the author of this anime would describe the plot of this anime it would probably take forever to read. And that is because this anime seems to put like 5000 different stories into one anime and try to get a good and connective plot. And for me and possibly for many other, to understand this anime seem like it would be a impossible feat to accomplish. This is by far the most confusing anime I have ever seen, and I don't mean that in a good way. I give the story a 2.
The art and sound is all good but there is nothing particular about is. There are better and worse than other animes.
By this confusing plot you also try to put in some characters. And a lot of them. At the same time. And this is also very confusing since you can't tell what they have to do with the plot or if they will have to do something with the plot. And none of the characters gets any depth since the story bumps back and forth between like 6 different places so it is impossible to keep up. And for me who has it pretty easy to remember names, can't name a single character. Like the only thing you know is that the main character is a very goofy dude that acts like the clown of the class. And 3 other characters of the characters are pretty likable (for me). The characters gets a 4.
Despite this low score I probably will see this to the end but only if it goes up to like 25 episodes. And I hope (although I don't think it will) that this anime will make sense in the end. But this anime is far to confusing so if you're looking for some random anime, this is the one. Enjoyment gets a 5.
With a confusing plot, many characters without any depth, pretty good sound and art and a mediocre enjoyment factor, I give this anime a 5.
4 of 13 episodes seen
XfizzyX(All reviews)
47 people found this review helpful
First off since I know a lot of people only care about the first sentence of a review: wait till you can marathon it. The quality I have rated is based off 4 episodes watched each week.
I could see this show being good, no seriously I could. If They took the time to focus more on one aspect of the plot instead of the giant maze which they try to present you with. I could have (and was expecting) to see this being one of my favorite shows of the season.
The issue is; they didn't. Its not so much that I can't, or have a hard time following complex or convoluted plots, its just that i found it extremely difficult to care enough to take the time.
The main character (There's a main character?) OK: the class president, who by the way is pretty alpha (actually getting stark naked in front of his whole class? asking a girl if he can feel her up since she has similar breasts to horizon? -What a boss!) But the issue arises that they don't really give him anything interesting to do. If the show actually focused on his pursuits to gain the heart of horizon (or at least her doppelganger) it could have actually been quite enjoyable, but it doesn't. Right off the bat the show tries to get you interested in the lives of seemingly every character, while playing through flashbacks, and referencing characters (every character in the class) by name. BY NAME.
After 3 episodes I could barely half of what was going on because I hadn't taken the time to memorize all the names and match them to the characters. This might have worked in the manga where you could just bookmark a scene with all the characters, but in the anime it just confuses the viewer.
The Art and soundtrack are ok, but nothing to write home about.
Personally I just didn't find the show enjoyable enough to spend the effort to learn all of the characters, and care about their back-stories. maybe this show will be better when its batched and you can just marathon the whole thing? but each episode a week apart makes it far to brain intensive for not enough reward.
In the mean time I'd suggest at least waiting on the batch. I'll probably give it another shot then and see how it changes my mind.
Unknown of 13 episodes seen
Plagus777(All reviews)
46 people found this review helpful
I'll have to start off by telling everyone that there are going to be some people that like this and some people that don't. Now guess, do I mean the anime or this review?
By 'this' I mean both the anime [B]and[/B] this review.
Not a few days ago I had finished bashing a certain anime for it's overdosing of characters and worthless plot. This anime is about the same thing, Mecha suits, a mob of characters, archetypes, and action featuring many abilities to woo and entertain the audience.
People do drugs not because they aren't aware that it's destroying their body, but because it feels awesome.
This is a feel good anime.. done right.
Story: The concepts is mainly fighting, school life, missions, romance is a possibility (I hope to God it is.), lives of each of the characters and their pasts with some extra focus on the 'important' characters.
I completely zoned out while they were explaining the story. Why? The big picture really isn't that important. I could tell it wasn't important when they had an old guy read a few lines about it at the end of the first episode. This is going to be real simple.
Example A: The king died.
This is a story, people. 'A series of events recorded in their chronological order.'
Example B: The king died sending the queen into a spiraling depression until she finally joined him in the blissful afterlife.
This is a plot. 'A series of events deliberately arranged so as to reveal their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance.'
This anime follows Example A. Do we know the difference now? Great! Let's move on.
Art: The art something that compensates for it's simple story. Right from the start I noticed that to some level this was going to have a high class of animation, which I was right about. Character designs were well, backgrounds are the way the were supposed to be. Just like what's acceptable in a restaurant, no shoes, no shirt = no service. This anime wore it's shoes and shirt to the party, as a result, it has service.
You have the be the biggest bastard if you have great art and not have some kind of jiggling boobies in the mix. I'm not saying this anime isn't guilty of flaunting it, but shunning service for it's flashy, cheap, value, doesn't mean you have to let everyone know that you graduated the College of Assholishness or the Duke Douchebag University.
Service (in it's reasonable quantity) is not something that makes this anime any worse if not better. People who are against it to the point they too pissed off to think properly are not entitled to their prejudiced opinion. You have better chances of winning an argument over the laws of physics then proving service (I'll say it again, in reasonable quantity) to be a negative thing.
Sound: The voice cast is freaking amazing. Finally we get to hear Jun Fukuyama play the rebel once again! Not to mention Ono Daisuke as a perverted ninja! If you're into voice actors, this anime to some extent is for you! It even does you a favor opening up with Chihara Minorin's singing!
The soundtrack is also to note, I thought they had a nice BGM before starting the training. The OP and EDs are unfortunately not much to marvel.
Character: Hot teacher in track uniform, busty princess who does that 'ho ho ho' laugh, perverted ninja, boobs, the left back with a deep voice, gay naked demon, fat guy eating chips, boobs, witch, shrine maiden, a blob, lesbians, Indian with the over sized dish of curry complete with big lips and turban, megane air head, maid, chicks with angel wings, the eroge addicted injected with Jun Fukuyama awesomeness delinquent main character, boobs, etc.
This anime is it's own character.
Enjoyment: This is like Infinite Stratos, not much story to it, made for service, cool action, and something light and enjoyable with much for the eye, simple characters that are like candy but not a three course dinner if you know what I'm saying. Don't hate it for it's lack of plot, cause from what I see, it's not going to be a Shakespeare work or even a bad half assed attempt, they know that's not where the money is or what the target audience is looking for.
Overall: Something to look forward to every week, I for one am looking forward to it's hopefully positive progress.
I know to some people I hit the spot, going farther than even that. To some people I might be the antichrist of anime reviews and must be destroyed. To many I'll be somewhere in between. From what I understand most people will not find this review helpful, but go as far to say that it ruined their day. If that's the case I'm praying it ruins their life too.
4 of 13 episodes seen
deadeaddead(All reviews)
33 people found this review helpful
I don't get it, I just fuckin' don't get it. What's this show supposed to be about? I understood nothing, BECAUSE IT HAD NOTHING. Honestly, when you have almost no plot with random shit going on, don't put in 100 characters and expect me to remember 2.
Story: I don't know. But at the start they play tag =D.
Character: All I know is that there's a main character, who likes a girl named Horizon and finds a girl looking similar to her. He also likes them boobies, and tries to catch em all! He's a goofy, dumb, bastard who I feel kick round house kicking. He has a sister, with balloons on her chest. That sister looks exactly like another girl, who is the opposite of a evil-like looking girl. Then there's this Aladdin guy and then there's a whole SHITLOAD of another 20 characters or so, all which I don't know names of.
Sound: The voices weren't bad, not that good either. Nothing much to type about.
Art: Yosh, the only good thing about this show. It's what kept me from clicking 'X' at the start.
Enjoyment: I didn't find this enjoyable at all.
Overall: The main character skips school to buy eroge, LIEK WUTTEHFAK DUDE? There's an Aladdin guy, another person and some other 15 kids in the school full of super powerful warriors soon-to-be Justice League 2.
13 of 13 episodes seen
Phlebas(All reviews)
30 people found this review helpful
Horizon is the kind of anime I'm tempted to say isn't being made anymore, except that is evidently incorrect.
It is completely over-the-top crazy and wildly entertaining, and fails to fit in a neatly defined genre. The writing is pure genius and has carried over well into the anime which despite its complexity doesn't stop for long-winded explanations, but rather sweeps the audience away with the constant hands-on revelations about the structure of its world.
The production values from character designs to animation, voice acting and soundtrack are excellent and it's hard to believe this is a Sunrise studio production. It's fair to say that after their long history of B-class titles this is their crowning piece.
The series provides immense re-watch value, and my only complaint is how short a single-cour season of it feels. Luckily the source material seems very long so taking into account the highly successful sales of season 1, there is a good chance the series will continue for a long time.
Unknown of 13 episodes seen
Atirs(All reviews)
18 people found this review helpful
The story is complicated, but understandable, and is quite interesting. The plot seems to go no where with the first few episodes, but it definitely picks up as the anime progresses. - 7
Art is amazing, with great character detail, and the battle scenes are fantastic, the show in general is well animated. - 9
The soundtrack fits the anime well, and is very good in general. - 8
Characters in this anime are quite unique, and certainly a refreshing change from your typical loli tsundere voiced by Kugimiya. However, with such a huge cast, it's far more difficult to develop characters properly, yet somehow for the more main characters, their personalities have been developed enough, and it is quite easy to see who they are by their personalities. More focus on the minor characters (as in currently, the minor characters are too minor, even by minor standards) would be better. - 7
On the whole, I've enjoyed this show immensely - I'd compare it to Baccano in terms of understanding, until you've watched enough it won't really make all that much sense. - 9
Overall, I give this show currently an 8/10.
However, the main reason why I wrote this review was to just convince those that the extremely low score, by MAL standards, that this is not 'the worst show ever'. By no means it is.
The reason why most people are giving this show such low scores is because it doesn't seem to make any sense.
The directing is not exactly the best in the world, but making out the situation isn't too difficult if you think about it. Understanding a bit of the background certainly helps and I can see why it'd be difficult to understand certain parts. Five minute research isn't too difficult however.
The main reason why people think the story is so terrible is mainly because of the subtitles.
I'm quite sure a considerable amount of MAL users stream (not that I have anything against it personally), but streaming sites tend to upload, for the newer releases at the very least, the quickest subtitle release.
The first few episodes (one to four I believe) were speed-subbed poorly by a certain fansub group which shall not be named, which is the reason why it makes very little sense. A show with a relatively complex plot, combined with poor subtitles spells for disaster.
If you think I'm just being too harsh on the subtitles, translating 'get me the officers on this ship' as 'get me the list of things that are heavy on this ship' is one of the many reasons why this show wouldn't have made sense to those who stream.
I recommend watching Commie's releases, as they make the story at the very least, more understandable. If you didn't like the show at first, because it truly did make no sense, I really recommend to try watching it again with a better subgroup.
13 of 13 episodes seen
TurnipGod(All reviews)
18 people found this review helpful
Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon. This anime definitely went under radar and is one of those that is not easy for the viewers to get into.It has a large terminology that is just thrown at you such as 'Tes' and 'Jud' as well as a massive cast of characters and a fairly complex background that would leave most viewers more confused after the first episode then Guilty Crowns plot holes. However despite all this, I can't stop loving this anime.
The main story arc in Horizon is pretty straightforward and simple. The best part about the story is the 'battles'. The battles in Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon is by far the most unique ones I've watched. It ranges from typical shounen fights to debates and mechs.
The art is decent. It's not horrendous, but it's no Guilty Crown. It definitely stands strong although some character design are a little bit strange (Kimi's 'balloons'). Although the art does do a good job of making all the character distinguishable despite it's massive cast, and in turn makes it a little bit easier for the viewers to familiarize themselves with the cast.
This soundtrack is amazing. Every part of it fits well into the anime itself ranging from sweeping orchestral to electone beats. The OP I think is a hit or miss for people, but the 2 different ED do a good job in adding more atmosphere to the anime itself (I'm a sucker for those parts where they start playing the ending before the anime cuts to the credits).
Here is where this anime shines the brightest. The characters are easily identifiable(thank you artwork) and have unique personality. All the characters did not overstay their welcome and their unique personality did not become something that was unique to something that would become annoying. However, the reference in the anime to famous historical figures (Gin Tachibana, Muneshige Tachibana) actually does hurt the anime a bit because of the lack of explanation for the different relationships. Overall the characters are what brings the entire anime together and throughout the anime they really do grow on you.
Awesome action. Great music. slapstick easy to understand humor, a solid story, and great characters. I could not ask much else from this anime except for more episodes.
To sum up this anime, it includes basically everything and anything you can think of. This anime is basically 'fan-fiction the Anime'. It is a great watch and definitely should be given a chance
10 of 13 episodes seen
Jekmyster(All reviews)
17 people found this review helpful
First off the bat, I can understand why some people gave this anime a bad rating. I think there was even one that gave it a 1/10. Honestly, if i started watching the anime from the beginning, i wouldnt have waited for the next week for the second episode. Thankfully i started the anime when they released the 10th episode and so i was able to grasp a big chunk of the plot before i gave up.
I normally would tell you that you should watch the first episode, and if that doesnt get you hooked then its not worth your time. But then again, for every rule there is always an exception, and Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon is one of them. Thankfully i really love anime that have an old feudal japan feel mixed in with technology and it is the primary reason why i kept watching. The second reason why i kept going was i desperately wanted to know the plot to this anime.
Whoever wrote the plot to this anime is simply out of his mind. But thankfully it all comes together. I have watched 10 episodes of the 13, but it all comes together. IT actually takes 4 episodes, before the story becomes exciting and the plot becomes clear, that is if you can last up to the 4th episode without your brain exploding.
Starting from episode 1, while watching it, you'll have a distinct reaction to the story since you dont know what the hell is going on. The first episode also bombards you with the most number of characters to remember, while trying to figure out what the plot really is. If i were to describe it, the writer of this anime, seems like, expects you to know the world where in this anime resides. Hes putting you down in a world in the middle, where you should know the background of the world and its inhabitants, but for course you dont. Altho the world is explained bit by bit, but it spans 4 episodes. This is the primary reason why a lot of reviews had given a low score.
Story: 8 - In its core, it is a love story. But dont cringe, there is nothing mushy in the anime, well there is some but not a whole lot. But the love story angle isnt exposed until the 5th or 6th episode, and thats halfway thru the series. But the real reason why i had given it an 8 and not lower is the fact that the backstory of the world and its inhabitants is rich enough that i wouldnt mind watching a spinoff of this world. Basically i like the theme, and thats that. A love story, told in a very interesting way..Almost lost my mind figuring out the plot..but still interesting.
Art: 10 - What can i say, i love the art. Especially the way, feudal japan is mixed with technology and spells. It all blends in, surprisingly. And yes, for all the pervs out there, plenty of big breast and groping going on.
Sound: 7 - Sound is just good. Not great, but not bad so its a 7. Its not like Guilty Crown where the sound plays a big part in the emotional development of the story. Its good enough to be there, but sometimes it just blends in the background, not being noticed.
Characters: 8 - i was debating with myself on this one. I was supposed to give it a 9 but i ended up giving it an 8. In truth, there are a lot of characters in this anime. Some major, some minor. And they are all diverse. A representative of each and every faction of the society in the world where this anime resides. That alone should have given it a 9 or 10, but the it is also the reason why i gave it an 8. There are too many characters in this anime. With only 13 episodes, character development is out of the question. The main characters backstory were given proper time, but not enough to develop an emotional connection to them. I just finished watching the 10th epsiode, and altho i do like a few of the chracters, and for sure i do want the boy, to meet up with his girl, but if one of the characters should die, i'd prob just say meh..and move on.
Enjoyment: 7 - I gave this a 7 instead of an 8. I enjoyed watching it now, but heck, it game me a headache in the beginning trying to figure out the story.Overall, i like the setting and the world, but watching anime isnt supposed to be this confusing in the beginning. The main purpose of watching anime is for enjoyment and relaxation, not banging you head on the table trying to figure out things. Im all for more intellectual plot lines, but lets just say, not what i expected when i started watching it.
Overall: 8 - Its an 8 overall. It a good anime, if you can last up to episode 4 or 5. But in the end the art, characters, and eventually the story won its way to my like list.
On a side note, i really do hope that there is a continuing season for this. after watching episode 10, it seems the series will end when our hero rescues the girl, but there are so many things that are happening around them that it might deserve a second dive into this series.
Oh yeah, i just wanted to add, the hero in this story.. well, he is the most unlikely personality i would expect to be the hero, this of course is an opinion after watching 10 episodes. It would be fun to think the writer would have another side to him in the last 3 episodes that would redeem this curious, but unorthodox personality of our hero.
Update: I just finished watching all the episodes of this anime. And i am glad that it is confirmed, the second season is on its way. To be shown in the summer of 2012. I cant wait.
13 of 13 episodes seen
techstepman(All reviews)
15 people found this review helpful
ok lets review this..kyoukai senjou no horizon
the basic story background from the novels as i found it on wikipedia: 'In the far future, humans abandon a devastated Earth and traveled to outer space. However, due to unknown phenomenon that prevents them from traveling into space, humanity returns to Earth only to find it inhospitable except for Japan. To accommodate the entire human population, pocket dimensions are created around Japan to house in the populace. In order to find a way to return to outer space, the humans began reenacting human history according to the Holy Book Testament. But in the year 1413 of the Testament Era, the nations of the pocket dimensions invade and conquer Japan, dividing the territory into feudal fiefdoms and forcing the original inhabitants of Japan to leave. It is now the year 1648 of the Testament Era, the refugees of Japan now live in the city ship Musashi, where it constantly travels around Japan while being watched by the Testament Union, the authority that runs the re-enactment of history. However, rumors of an apocalypse and war begins to spread when the Testament stops revealing what happens next after 1648. Taking advantage of this situation, Tori Aoi, head of Musashi Ariadust Academy's Supreme Federation and President of the student council, leads his fellow classmates to use this opportunity to regain their homeland.'
it appears the anime chooses to focus the story between aoi and horizon(his childhood friend and love) going against the world.The concept,not just the story but also the whole world,is very original.from the first moment you'll notice that they have very advanced technology but it comes in a weird format that looks like super powers and contracts with the divine or religion.At first i was really confused but after i watched it a second time it really fitted in.Now the first episodes can be very confusing especialy if youre not familiar with the novels.I really had no idea of the background even after watching it 2 times and i had to read the background in wikipedia.That said it really annoyed me but once you figure everything out everything comes into place and makes sense.Yes the anime on its own fails to establish its concept of the general story but at the same time while focusing on the couple aoi-horizon it keeps you interested cause it explains a lot through the first episodes,something that can be tiring to people that are not very good with fast pace anime and subtitles.But i think that even though it has its flaws its an anime that will win your attention if you dont quit from the first episodes.
Now this anime has lots of action!fast paced combat may it be mecha,melee or whatever.There are many battle scenes that you'll wanna watch again and again just cause theyre so awesome!So no more comments on that!awesome combat 10 out of 10!
Art..the animation is very good as expected from a modern action anime.the cg are great and the designs of the characters and everything else are very good.Great colours,great fps,very good editing and direction!You really understand the effort that they put in this anime.it has quantity and quality.At first you'll feel a little weird cause most of the female population in this anime has innormous boobs!!!O_O!!!oh yeah they are huge.but you'll get used to them cause they are not ment to be erotic as more to make the girls look extremely cute even though the character faces and eyes are more than enough to get hooked with them :P
Sound!im pleasently suprised by this anime!great OST great sound effects and good voice acting that fits the characters.Just focus on the music score and you'll realise that they really did an outstanding job!and it fits so well with the action and the emotions.
now the characters.Well dont expect indepth soulsearching.its an action anime.never the less the primary and secondary characters are introduced well enough,along with their backgrounds.There are however some characters that dont really have a place in the story(of the anime cause try to remember the story comes from a novel and there are too many characters involved for 13 episodes) but they wont annoy you much cause they are neccesary to support the mains in their battles.The main male aoi might suprise you cause we are not used to crazy happy guys as mains.As for horizon the 'not so obvious from the begining' female proganist is not so well presented,i mean you'll get to like all the other girls from the begining and suddenly horizon appears.But i guess she has the standard 'grey hair girl' appeal that few viewers are able to resist.overall the characters fit with their enviroments and the story and each one has his/her own style.
enjoyment!its definately an anime you'll enjoy.its fast paced and actionpacked!great visuals and great sound!lots of unique characters!it will definately keep you interested through the first 'difficult to digest' episodes and you'll totally enjoy whats to come until the end.Just search youtube and see how many different vids there are about the songs and the battles!
one more thing.it has that very enjoyable tactics and intelligence you see in many masterpieces.its not the main focus but if you enjoy a blend of mild combat strategy,religion interfearance and politic games you'll find that this anime has its moments.its not code geass but it fits the whole conspiracy and strategy in the story and action pretty well.then again i say that its not the main focus,its just a piece of the whole.
overall..its an anime that you'll enjoy very much the first time you watch it and the you'll want to watch it a second time.The second time you watch it you'll enjoy it even more!the last episode kind of leaves you hanging but remember that theres season 2 coming in summer 2012.so i expect to see more aspects of the characters,the story,the action and get more involved in the whole concept world of kyoukai senjou no horizon!and ofcourse get to know horizon better!
many people are negative towards this anime.well it has flaws but its very good at what it does.if you enjoy other similar anime then this will earn a place in your heart.
13 of 13 episodes seen
czxcjx(All reviews)
13 people found this review helpful
Should a story aim to be a self-contained little bit of perfection, merely outlining a small aspect of human existence – or should a story aim to contain the world? Should a work be self-sufficient and explain everything within its premises, or demand that a person experiencing it strive to reach its level by poring through setting details and whatnot before experiencing it? In both cases, Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon strove to be the latter. The sheer amount of information packed per episode is focused solely on aiming for that little explosive ‘wow’ factor that comes with its recognition – while the problem is whether the experiencer’s mind is open enough to cede to that recognition.
The amount of expansive detail within the setting would do well to put any writer who aims to create ‘worldbuilding’ fiction to shame. Especially given that Horizon is one of the most politically intense Anime out there, maybe only behind Ghost in the Shell, Twelve Kingdoms and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Of course, to even understand the importance of what’s happening on screen requires some flipping through exposition regarding the exact relationship between the countries within the fantasy metaphysical system created.
Is that a bad thing? Maybe bad in an economic sense, because it prevents newcomers – although at this point in time, the amount of fan articles on the net makes up for that. A plus to using a method like this is that exposition can be minimized within the narrative itself, allowing for things to be just as fresh upon rewatch.
In the end, Horizon teaches a very simple lesson that many people don’t realize when creating fiction like this. Structure is everything. It has taken so many adventure arcs from all sorts of works out there, so many methodologies from history, politics, and economics, so many cues from sports Anime, and even so many jokes from ecchi-comedy – but the structure is simply impeccable. The battles may be in so many different varied shapes and forms, from political debates to one on one battles to flying gunship battles, but Horizon understands push and pull (almost losing, then winning, then losing, then winning) so perfectly that it can catalyze the exact same sense of “FUCK YEAH” at the end of every single one of these by structuring multiple trajectories within a single over-arching path.
Even then, it isn’t without thematic support. The overexuberant youth and adventure in the face of ridiculously large adversity makes Horizon closer to Trigger’s Ideal of Anime even more than Kill La Kill. Simple romance stories are given the weight of kingdoms, and simple emotions are reflected a thousandfold into all of the characters. Horizon has no moderation, even while it has an intense logic to its method (take note that I said logic to method, and not to the setting itself) and, what else should you expect from art like this?
Horizon is the text-book for anyone who wants to learn, similarly for how Lord of the Rings set the standard for the genre years ago. It synthesizes all of its influences and opens up a new pathway for what should be written next. It’s a shame there are little who are willing to match Minoru Kawakami at this level – but there can only be hope.
2 of 13 episodes seen
srKuran(All reviews)
13 people found this review helpful
Amazing anime, with a large budget, rumors(?) says it will get 75 episodes
it has a very large background and its an adaptation of a huge visual novel,
first episode impressed me, i couldnt really follow up with what they were saying but goddamn, i had some good laugh, very nice animation and HIGH quality voice actors,
even if it does have some characters that you would think it would be stereotypical, it turns out that they have VERY refreshing design and personalities, starting with the MC, wtf, that guy is FABULOUS, it has a shit ton of characters, and im sure we will learn to love them as the series goes on.
dont let the trolls fool you, this is worth the watch, even if you dont like incredible big boobs or ecchi, a well made comedy so far!
looking forward for this to become a huge masterpiece! 10/10 for now!
13 of 13 episodes seen
Charliegone(All reviews)
12 people found this review helpful
If you watched the first episode and thought to yourself 'what the heck are they talking about, nothing makes sense.' then join the club.
Kyoukai Senjou No Horizon (or KSNH as I'll refer to it for now on) is a messy affair. It tries to place the histories of nations, empires, etc all into one big blob and expects you to understand it. Either that or they tried to take too much of the original work and put it in 13 episodes. Pull out those history books, you'll probably need it to understand somewhat of what's going on. Basically the story revolves around humans who are recreating history. Why? Who knows since we aren't really told in great detail. Maybe they did say something about it, but because the anime is just a mess story wise, it was hard to grab a hold of almost anything of historical value; much less the story. In the end it's basically, boy meets girl, girl dies/goes away, boy decides to save girl at all costs, which is something I've probably seen in so many of these animes that try to seem unique. Well maybe KSNH is unique in that it just confuses the hell out of anyone trying to understand it. I give the story a 3.
Well one thing that wasn't a major let down at least, was the artwork. Although I have to say that the proportions of the characters are just extremely exaggerated. Who the hell walks around with 50 pounds of hair on their head? No one! I mean the chicks on the show sure are some hairy women with huge boobs to add! I'm surprised none of them fell over due to the weight. Even though the proportions are just plain ridiculous, the art work is very well done. Lots of eye candy. I give it a 7.
Mediocre. I seem to recall the main characters voice is the same actor as the voice of Watanuki from XXXholic (I forget his name). While he was pretty good in XXXholic, he was just plain annoying in this one. Maybe it's his character, but geez was it annoying. The only thing that really stood out to me was the battle them music, which really made it seem like you were going into battle and menacing. Great stuff, but other than that..mediocre. I give it a 5.
I can tell you one thing. The characters on this show are terrible. The main one especially. Not just his annoying happy all the time voice!, but just how plain stupid and idiotic this guy was. All he does is watch porn, yeah seriously, and he's the supposed leader of this 'nation'? It's hard to take him seriously even he tries to confess his love, or when he tries to win an argument; it just plain didn't seem genuine. That was my major beef with the character. Just a poor character. The other characters? There's tons of them; and none, I might add, that really stood out, well maybe the Indian guy that shoots curry (no seriously, that's his attack.) I thought K-on had bad crappy characters..well this one might just beat it. I give it a 3.
Overall, I somewhat enjoyed this for some of the few battles they did have, but I just never really established any kind of relation to any of the characters. There are just too many of them and the main lead one is just plain poor for anyone to really genuine like. Horizon (the other main lead) was just a plain doll. Not really mattering until the ending episodes which by then I just plain gave up. From what I understand, a second season is coming out and I don't plan on watching it. Seems to me like it would just be the same ole same. I'm not falling for that again (I'm looking at you K-on). Want my advice. Run away from this anime. It's just not that good. Extremely poor story telling, crappy characters, forgettable music. I do no recommend.
2 of 13 episodes seen
cakeatealobster(All reviews)
12 people found this review helpful
2nd EDIT: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. Out of 9 episodes, it's only the prelude of what to come. Basically, in the far future, the world they lived in was uninhabitable, except for one piece of land. That land was divided into many smaller nations, at the will of the Testament Union, and ruled by them. Under the assumed mission of repeating their history to create a survivable land based on the scriptures of the Testament, the Testament Union sought and own all of the weapons deemed as the Deadly Sins, increasing their authorities. Under their rules, the Far East were beings set at the lowest of the TU hierarchy, and were subjected as mere pawns. Seeing this, a lord of Mikawa brought upon his land it's destruction in rebellion. In the mist of it's destruction, the creator of the Deadly Sins announced that he previously created one more of the lot, Jealousy, based on the emotions of a deceased girl, Horizon. The Testament Union viewed this as a threat to their authority, knowing that this weapon can trump over all others that they owned; and under the guise of the apocalypse this new weapon will bring to the TU goal of recreation, they captured the weapon(in PX-01, female cyborg, more emphasis on female than cyborg) and set her up as sacrifice in order to extract the power she holds. Unbeknownst to the Union, the moment they obtained the girl, they brought forth the rage of a boy. Toori saw the deceased Horizon in PX-01, and fell for her. On the day of his confession was when he witnessed her abduction, and vowed to take her back. Toori, a perverted idiot, (at this moment in time) have no redeeming quality except for his go lucky attitude, along with the friends who trusts and deemed him worthy, siege war against the Testament Union for his love.
EDIT: Honestly, i just rewatched the episodes, this time it was subbed by the crunchyroll team..and the episodes made..so much SENSE.
those that hated this because they think it's nonsense..gotta tell u one thing..watch the anime from ANOTHER subber pls.
i know it's typical for ppl to watch the first thing that have english words at the bottom of the screen, just so they could get it over with. but seriously, those that rushed the subs, they dont even proofread the damn thing before posting their nonsensical subs for all to see. now i commended them for their efforts; but if u truly love the language and truly want to bridge a connect between users from many parts of the world and truly want to sub, u have a somewhat large audience to please, so do the subs and do it well.
anyway, the anime's moving along quite nicely, but it's only been 2 eps so i cant really give it a proper review, but will continue to watch weekly for proper opinion on the thing.
13 of 13 episodes seen
wavedashh(All reviews)
11 people found this review helpful
Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon is the very essence of a guilty pleasure. Should I enjoy a show with a laughably bad story, heavy emphasis on breast animation, and stereotypical characters? Probably not, but I still loved the series regardless. (Disclaimer: I haven't read the light novel(s), they will not be referenced)
I won't beat around the bush, Horizon has quite possibly the worst plot and story-telling I've ever seen. Names of people, places, and technology are thrown around from the very beginning. Some re-occurring characters (I'm talking about you, dorm girl) don't seem to actually do anything, and are most likely only included in anticipation of the second season. That said, the plot isn't completely incomprehensible. It might take pausing the video or re-watching the episode, but the plot isn't necessarily complex; it's that a huge torrent of information is given to the viewer in the first episode that it's overwhelming. Once you get past the first roadblock, it's (mostly) smooth sailing.
If you don't like breasts, steer clear. Fanservice is everywhere, for better or for worse. At least there's a variety of fanservice: ridiculously large and small chests, yuri, Asama's dirty imagination, etc.
Horizon's character list is almost like a list of TVTropes pages: girl with different colored eyes, girl with huge drill hair and flat chest, other girl with flat chest, shy blind girl, yuri couple, battle-focused girl, emotionless girl, the list goes on. On the one hand, there's a metric ton of cliches here. On the other hand, the huge variety breathes life into an otherwise dull anime. Most of these characters are developed on a character(s)-of-the-week basis, though they still play roles later on. Seeing the members of such a huge cast interact with each other is certainly one of the show's highlights.
In the end, I find Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon a tough series to recommend. If you can stomach (or enjoy!) a lot of fanservice and you can bear rewatching scenes in order to digest information, Horizon is certainly a great show, with engaging characters and beautiful art and animation. Unfortunately, those two prerequisites may be hard to satisfy for many people.
13 of 13 episodes seen
RookieLove(All reviews)
11 people found this review helpful
I really like this anime~
I like the art, the music, the character's appearance/personalities, and the action! These are the things that'll bring me back to it for a nice watch while eating a pack of noodles, as it takes me through the rounds of its action and unique art style of the people! What I’ll sing and make jokes about to myself from time to time! 'Yeah, kick some butt! Show me more scenes of honor and battle! Relate to how I like visual novels! Pour more “dolls” and mechas on me! A merging of zany characters, intelligent characters, and zany-Intelligent characters? Count me in!! This anime rocks!!!'
But you know, there are some things I didn't mention up there, right? Like the story or setting. Why aren't they up there? Does it fall short in the parts you may like that I didn't mention yet?
Let's jump right in and find out:
The story/plot to me, felt rushed and vague at the beginning. Throughout but not unbearably a lot, it suffered from the 'mentioning all these names, concepts, historical figures, events, etc. as if you(the viewer) already knew about them' syndrome. Syndrome might be too strong a word, but this isn't the first time I've seen this setup; I assume it's a pattern in some anime.
Once you grasp what the story is, it isn't bad. It takes this historical, futuristic style anime and adds a twist that I found unique and interesting. I approve and like this.
But here's what I dislike about the story:
There are two types of the aforementioned syndrome.
The kind where everything is explained or understood naturally and immediately or in time and the kind where everything is neither explained nor understood naturally but is mentioned here and there by the anime and how it ties into what will, has, or is currently happening.
This anime uses both of these types.
I wasn't annoyed by the former, but I had to turn my brain off for the latter, so I can focus on what's happening presently and not why it's happening or what led up to it.
For example:
You start off the first episode of the series with a scene of an elderly hand resting on a table with a feather pen and a big book in a candle lit room. That's it.
Then a scene of the world going to crap. That's it.
Then a bad camera angle of a girl in an area with what looks like cloth or red debris is flying in the same general direction, and the wind is picking up speed. This is probably setting the tone of what the people might be going through; I get it.
More of this world being destroyed.
And then finally, to an air ship of sorts where you see just another day with the main characters. A stray scene of sky scrapers in ruin with no explanation about why they look like that. At some point during the middle of the episode, several (not all) characters are mentioned by name or mention their own name. Even fewer mention how they have titles, both noble and political.
Pretty vague stuff right? No build up or segment of explaining the world, what you've just seen, and who these people are. No hints to any of it until later or not at all. Each part of explanation is few and far between throughout the series.
Where's the rushed part you might ask? During the first episode, it pops up a few times about how the people we see, the main characters, don't obey the “world's rules” because these rules suppress their rights. At the end of the episode, a narrator lays it down all at once:
Humanity who used to live the sky, lost their power. What power? Don't know. They lost this power because they sought conflict and destruction. Why? Don't know. And so fell to earth “again,” a place that is both dangerous and has areas you can't even live in for some reason. And then at some point, to get back the fame and glory they had, I guess this was back when they were in the sky, humanity rewrote the history they had and made copies. Since humanity was more fond of the rewriting of history than they were of the copies they made, humanity failed to rewrite history, and this caused the copies to be destroyed. How? Don't know. But because of the rewriting of history failing, many nations’ cultures suffered. So the rulers of these nations “reinforced” relations with warlords in the area. How did these warlords get there? When were these relations formed in the first place? Don't know. So now representatives of the 'far east' area of earth and “other elite masters,” whoever they are, are getting together to rewrite an era of war that lasted for thirty years. Why? Don't know. And so the world's dispatched forces, whoever they are, are looking for new conflict.
What about the rules that's suppressing our main characters? Who made them?
Sure, some of this is probably setting the tone for the series, like how people are working behind the scenes, how the world has been damaged and how others are in intense situations in this world. Sure, you can learn about what's going on in the synopsis.
But that's just it. When the synopsis tells you more about the anime than the anime tells you about the anime, you messed up somewhere.
You'll somewhat feel that while watching the series, things aren't explained enough or at all. You'll quickly notice how you get information from conversations that you either don't have enough information to make sense of until later in the series, or you'll be stuck having no idea what the things they mention or the things they name are to begin with. Despite that, everyone's talking about it and reacting like the viewer already knows these things.
Where's the devices that help ME, the viewer, understand what's going on or what's brought up? Why make explanations so sparingly?
And what's worse is while you're in the grip of the how the anime knows about itself but you don't, is that there are intense, episode-long political and economical debates. That's right! They openly have full-on political drama about a world you know nothing about yet.
Is it just me where I like the world of the anime explained,in the anime? Like its terminology, phrases, names, titles, and positions? Because there are a lot those. Or how about why things are the way they are? Just a good grasp of what led up to the point the anime starts with all the good “why” questions answered? 'Why do they live this way?'
You never need things explained until they aren't, I guess.
Again, though, it doesn't rob you of having a good time watching the anime. By overlooking the vagueness(to a degree), you can focus on the current situation or current events and understand what might happen in the near future.
Its humor, suspense, confrontations, and even fan service, are all very welcomed. Even if there are some parts that progress the story because of the girl with big boobies playing a part and her boobies triggering progression because of one of the main characters’ perverted personality. I felt each element supported or complimented both each other and the characters. Giving me entertaining surprises, and anticipation and expectations on what's to come.
The art is all nice and vibrant and detailed when it comes to body proportions, clothing, equipment, and settings to me. The style is nostalgic, simple, and cute with how the noses are somewhat missing the more the character faces the viewer(you) and how everyone has big eyes, irises, and pupils.
You may start to notice the base shape of most of the human characters’ heads, facial features, or bodies tend to look the same here and there(maybe because mostly everyone is wearing body suit uniforms), with different assortments based on personality, habits, and their affairs or professions(laborers, politicians, regular students, etc.), but that's not a problem. Everyone's pretty visually memorable in their own right. In fact, if you watched the anime, you probably didn't notice until I brought it up.
Now with all this in mind, the style may not get the anime the attention it deserves. As more realistic faces could lure more people to how serious the topics in the anime are, but everyone has more youthful, simple or cute faces. So you may expect everyone to act as though they were kids and less like people in charge of national affairs.
It's not uncommon how buff or manly guys do stupid and childish things or how the younger people had to mature faster, but it is common to judge anime by its cover art. Be careful of that.
I found that the art seemed to bleed breast color and texture through mostly all manners of clothing. How you'd see the color and light shining off breasts under different shirts can mess up your understanding of the texture and the making of certain clothing, so this is where things could have been adjusted. Save shiny and round boobies for the skin-tight body-suit uniforms and not a dry button down shirt.
The backgrounds and reality of the world:
The blend of future, past, and world collapse are all done very well in the backgrounds. There may be some issues of space relevant to characters or ships, but the artists and animators had a good eye kept on it and didn't sacrifice much detail or how believable everything was, based on distance or relevance. Pillars of light here and there standing out of a world overtaking ruined cities with forest and vegetation because of past devastation breaking apart the very clouds that float into them sometimes and how light streamed through openings of the trees that branched out above in the forest-like areas or wrapped around the edges of relevant objects and people makes me want to put myself into that world, so I can experience things for myself.
And while it did use 3D CGI at the beginning where it introduced the capital-country-ships’ size and depth and some of the mecha in the anime’s basic mecha movements, fights, and standing positions, it made sure to save it only for ships and not the mecha fights or “doll” against mecha fights, which I thought were really kick butt!
I feel if they had added 3D CGI more than what they had, it would devalue the action that I love about this anime. Instead, all of the fighting and just about all of the action scenes were well animated that showed realism and avoided unnecessary movements.
For the voice acting, it's something I’ll get into later in the review; keep an eye out for that.
Moving to the background and sound effects.
Very spot on. The wind jetting past though those who fly, the horses and carriages not missing effects, radio transmitters’ static not overly present, the clashing of weapons, landing of blows, and firing of firearms enriched the already great action animations.
The anime avoided playing its nice choice of classical, rock, or techno-pop(?) background music unless to set the mood or atmosphere. I thought this was a nice touch, as music has a way of speaking before words do. So if your BG is chattering at every turn or drop of a hat, that's bad news.
While the opening theme stayed the same and matched the intro animation, the ending theme was shuffled with a different song based on the mood or a main character's thoughts. While one ending theme was cheerful and fun(AiRI), another sounded emotional and longing(Stardust Melodia).
Ah man, everyone's so cooool!
Usually, when you have more than one character playing a main character role and then switching to supporting character, giving them their own roles to play along side or slightly behind the main character, they tend to fade into the background, and you don't really care about them much, right?
But not here!
You get to pick your favorite characters, heroes, and villains and see a fair amount of what they can do! Sure you may want more, but what you get is good and filling. Making you cherish them and waiting for the next time they get screen time!
Now you may not like how some characters are more fleshed out than others, especially if they're your favorite characters, and you want to learn more about them. By then, hopefully, you made it past the vagueness issues I spoke to you about before in this review. So yeah, you'll be playing a waiting game. Learning about characters when you can, without them losing charm to the more story-dependent characters or the characters that keep the story rolling.
Not a bad one in the bunch, be them hero, supporting cast, or villain and their support, if you ask me.
There's an English subbed and dubbed version. The dubbed series is called 'Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere,” if you're interested in looking at it one day.
The voice acting in the Japanese dubbed/English subbed version, is fitting and precise with moods, personalities, and emotions of the characters. It feels believable and flows nicely. However, it has trouble relating to actions or atmosphere at times. No believable wincing or enduring of attacks and blows for example.
The English dubbed version on the other hand tickles me at how mixed and sometimes down right disagreeable the voices are at times, to the characters and when the characters are conversing with each other.
To me, the saving grace of this, in the English dubbed version, is that there are memorable and experienced voice actors whom you may remember hearing in different anime, mixed with voices that sound new to voice acting. You can notice and miss this by how the acting either has fitting pitches and tones in one instance or scene, and in another you can hear how blocky and stale pitches, tones, and English phrases are to the point that they were out of place or cheesy.
The more experienced and memorable voices suffer from the misfit tones of words and the cheesiness of phrases, too, but they know how to make it work somehow. It's okay for them to be cheesy I think.
They say voice acting is its own culture in Japan, but I'm sure we can get some better coaches for the English actors. That's probably all it really needed to rival the Japanese dubbed version in how it handles its tones, moods, and other factors.
Presently, I don't even think it's possible to say, 'Oh, well, you'll like which ever you listen to first. That's how subs and dubs are,” and get away with it. That's no excuse for green voice actors not being trained in these elements. I'm sure after some experience and training, they'll be great voice actors.
And what we have to talk about is that the English dubbed version explains more of the story and setting than the English subbed version! It kicks to the side some of the vagueness issues I had with the subbed version and answers some of the why questions I had in detail?! What happened?!
Who knows, just pick your poison. Good voice acting but vague details, or mixed voice acting with more detail to what had happened, why it has happened, and what's going on now. The different video mirrors I've seen, don't show much of a difference in detail through the subtitles. So I can only assume either the translation's lacking or the writing is bad.
'Oh, Sensei, we're going to the Yakuza hide out? Why?'
Japanese dub: “Because she got into some trouble, and she wants to beat them up.”
English dub: “Because yesterday, she got into a fight with them because they broke into her house and kicked her out. Got in trouble for kicking their butts. Blames the Yakuza for her getting into trouble and blames them for the new trouble she got into by wrecking a wall out of anger at getting in trouble the first time.”
I know a few patterns in Japanese grammar. How you can make profound sentences with only a few words, but whom do I blame for robbing my experience of the anime? The translators who lacked in-depth translations or the Japanese writers who wrote the anime so vaguely? Never have I dreamed to depend on voice acting and scripting for a different language to tell me what's going on in an anime.
And now for how much I enjoyed the anime!
I can't say that I honestly foresee any fan clubs being made about this season of the anime. Even with the helpful dubbed version, clearing up the gaps in story and history. I just can’t, and it's sad because the action, animations, mythos, fantasy, replicating, and twisting of OUR( the viewers’) history into something futuristic and original, is FREAKING AWESOME!!!
I'd love to watch this anime again any time but sadly, it's something I'd do by myself. Because the way the anime carries and explains itself will make it hard to talk about and act like a fan over.
'Hi, remember that? How cool was that? Oh that was my favorite part, too!'
I can't do it. Even if it's the action and the political debates, I can only praise it so far.
I want more.
It's not something a remake can do for me because it doesn't need a remake. It needs a sequel with these problems shaved down, but that's for an entirely different review.
Now to close this review, so I can rewatch the anime.
I give Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon, Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere:
An 8 out 10.
It is a very good anime. If they let you rent the first season, it's a must rent. A great buy if it's dubbed! A good poster buy to remember the time you spent watching it.
Know that your experience of the anime depends on if you watch the dubbed or subbed so if you can choke down your rule of thumb that subs are better than dubs or dubs are better than subs, you'll get a better experience of the anime in the dubbed series. Since I know some of you, same as me, like a good story. If the story isn't all that important to you and you can turn your brain off until you reach the juicy parts of the anime, watch the subbed version.
It's got a manga and visual novel, or should I say it was made from a Visual Novel and then had a manga so if you want, you can look into those. I don't feel like reading the manga or playing the visual novel yet, so I can't comment on them. Besides, saying something like 'the manga is better than the anime,” is a whole different review in itself.
So until then, let's meet up at a review of another anime!
13 of 13 episodes seen
Jazzy_Noodles(All reviews)
7 people found this review helpful
So Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon, or in English known as, 'Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere', is an anime set in the 'far distant future'. To me it took me a while to actually get what was going on, and that will probably be the biggest let down of this anime. However, once you get to episode 8 I think the story becomes clear of where it wants to go. After finishing this anime I actually wanted to watch its second season despite my initial feelings at the beginning.
In one sentence, the anime is about a massive pervert named Aoi Tori whom with his classmates, work together to save a girl named Horizon who is being held captive and sentenced to die so that history will be 'reenacted'.
So onto assessing this anime..
Story & Setting (0/2):
Story-wise, it becomes clear, very focused and enjoyable about halfway through. However with the setting was a real let-down because half of the time I couldn't tell who were the good guys and who were the bad guys. Then I realized that this anime was presented in a style similar to 'Game of Thrones', where every side has its enemies and they all have similar intentions of trying to avenge or rescue.
This anime also heavily focuses on the political, economical and historical contexts of the story. And this wasn't set up very well. So I would have to deduct 2 marks from this aspect because it really bothered me for a while.
Art & Animation (2/2):
Okay so one of the memorable points about 'Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere', is that most of the women have really, really big boobs. BOOBS. So if you don't like the excessive amount of fanservice then that's alright, there's still much more depth to this anime than a normal romantic comedy showing off girls with big boobs.
Other points about artwork which are memorable is the virtual interface thingy which I can't describe. But it very much reminds me of the virtual interface in the game of Sword Art Online. It is very similar.
Animation was really well done here. Especially towards the end of the anime, where there were lots of fight scenes and special flashy skills. I appreciated that a lot.
Sound [Voice Acting, OP + ED, BGM] (2/2):
Voice acting was done well. I watched the subbed version and I didn't find many of the character's voices annoying. When I searched up the voice actors, I was surprised that the same Japanese voice actor for Aoi Tori was the same guy who voiced Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass. The two characters sound very different but that only widened my appreciation to the skill this voice actor has.
There is only one OP for this anime, and I liked it. I don't pay much to the EDs though. I think there are two.
The background music to me was enjoyable. Sometimes it sticks in my head after I've seen an episode. To some people the background music will be very distinctive. Towards the end of the anime the music compliments really well with the sort of 'epic' feeling that is being created.
Characters (2/2):
In this anime there are a wide range of characters presented, all with different personalities and skills. You'll definitely remember all of them thanks to their unique personalities and abilities. Together they form a really good team. You may think that some of the characters were not important to the story but in its second season they will be useful.
The chemistry between many of the characters are quite enjoyable to watch. I certainly got a lot of 'ngaaaaaaaawww' moments in the last few episodes. There are also a lot of hilarious moments too.
Overall Enjoyment (2/2):
I can definitely say that I enjoyed this anime after watching it. Although the story was set up pretty badly, it was still worth it to watch all the way to the end. I would say that most people would really like the end. The anime also sets itself perfectly for its second season, which I have also seen.
Would I recommend this to anyone? Yeah I would recommend this anime to those who are patient, like women with big boobs and who like immersing themselves in a far distant realm where they can lose themselves in a story. You don't have to have all three of the above qualities to enjoy the anime.
The take-home point of this anime is that it lacks established setting but develops an extremely well fitting ending. 8/10
13 of 13 episodes seen
CJayTiii(All reviews)
7 people found this review helpful
I will admit that Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon is an underrated anime, but not that underrated. It has a very interesting premise and above all its biggest strength is its creativity, however, there are still a lot of glaring problems with the show
Story: 7
The story of Kyoukai senjou no Horizon is actually very well thought out, based on an interesting premise and engaging. The problem lies with the story telling itself. While the story is interesting, it is portrayed so inefficiently that it is almost impossible to understand without doing outside research. Honestly, nobody should have to do this much outside research to properly understand what is going on. Much information is left out or is given to the viewer in crazy information dumps that are hard to follow, which again is not very good story telling. However, the story is there and it is good. The best part of the story is how intertwined it is with the setting which is very well thought out and fascinating. The focus on history is also very interesting. The storyline of the episodes themselves is not as hard to follow and is still engaging
Art: 7
I would love to give the art a better score, mainly because this show has a pretty decent budget. The problem, however, is that the character designs in my opinion are just utterly awful. I mean, they all just look like ridiculous stereotypes that just scream unnecessary fanservice. However, the battles are animated very well and the background art is very good, which levels out this score
Sound: 7
The music in the show was very good, however, it was outshined by most other shows this season. The voice acting was decent at best, most of them being pretty bad, save for a few notable exceptions
Character: 6
This is another hard category. The cast as a whole is pretty good, there is so much diversity, including a blob, a giant, a mecha, a ninja, witches, and a few other interesting characters. However, individually all the characters are pretty bland or straight up annoying. Aoi Tori, the main character has interesting antics, but some of these antics really intrude on the serious parts of the story. The biggest problem with the rest of the characters is that they are so one-sided. Most of the female characters just act like stereotypes and the more unique characters have hardly any screen time (I wanted more of the blob!)
Enjoyment: 8
This is the best part of the show for me. There is just so much creativity in this show that it is hard not to like parts. Particularly the actions scenes are wonderfully unique and well directed. Every fight in this show is different from each other and all really fun to watch. The comedy on the other hand, is very hit and miss. I will admit I don't like fanservice comedy and the groping got old really fast, but that is just my taste. Some other instances of comedy did end up working though.
Overall: 7
This show gets a solid 7 from me, the creativity really saved this show from its uninspired, bland characters and the awful character designs. I am looking forward to the next season. Hopefully the characters will be able to become more than just one-sided characters and the setting will be developed even more. However, this was a fun show with a very interesting premise.

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Horizon In The Middle Of Nowhere Episode 1

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