Best Offline Ios Games

Stop watching movies on your iPad. Stop browsing the web.

Well, okay. You don’t have to stop. But while you do all that stuff, don’t forget that your iPad can play some great games. Which games are best? Read on.

Papers, Please is billed as a “Dystopian Document Thriller,” which actually turns out to be an accurate description. It is dystopian, set in a fictional comminust state of Arstotzka in the 1980s. It involves documents, as it casts you as a border guard in charge of denying or granting entry to citizens and foreigners at your nation’s borders. And it is often thrilling, as the mundanity of your day-to-day gig gradually morphs into something more sinister, challenging, and intense. While fantastic on PCs, Papers, Please works just as well on a touch screen. Play it on the bus if you don’t mind occasionally missing your stop. Glory to Arstotzka.

Get now the Best offline action games, including Batman: Return to Arkham, Asphalt 8: Airborne, Into. Also ranked #1 in iOS games to play in airplane mode. Best iPhone Games 2019: The top gaming picks on iOS Trusted Reviews January 3, 2019 11:16 am With the App Store constantly filling up with new games, it can sometimes feel like finding a good one.

A Good Match For: Wannabe bureaucrats, neat-freaks, people who really like following orders.


Not a Good Match For: Those looking for something action-packed, or something easy to pick up and casually play for a few minutes.

Watch it in action.

Purchase from: The App Store


You’re alone on an island, surrounded by puzzles. That’s The Witness, an extremely complicated game that is really very simple. Some of the puzzles are obvious: They’re on screens right in front of you, stacked in orderly rows. Other puzzles are much less easy to find. All of them will stymie and confound you, but over time you’ll gradually dismantle them until the game’s grand design is laid out in front of you like the workings of a finely crafted watch. Some games make you level up your character to access new areas; this one makes you level up yourself. There are few more satisfying feelings in gaming than when you finally realize the solution to a puzzle in The Witness. With a click, a new door opens. The Witness carries over all its brilliance to mobile devices, and works well on the go.

A Good Match For: Puzzle fiends, people who like a challenge, anyone who likedMyst and wants to see what a modern evolution would be like.

Not A Good Match For: Anyone wanting action, the easily frustrated, people who don’t like puzzles in games and generally just go look up the answers.


Read our review.

Watch it in action.

Study our tips for the game.

Purchase From: The App Store.


If you’ve ever wondered how you’d do as a starship captain, FTL: Faster Than Light is your game. Though heads-up: You’d probably be a pretty lousy starship captain. As you assume control of your wee little in-game spaceship, your fingers will dance around the touch screen, adjusting your power systems, assigning tasks to your crew, and targeting pirate space cruisers with ease, almost as though the game was originally designed with a touchscreen in mind. As good as it was on PC, FTL: Faster Than Light might be even better on the iPad, all while retaining everything that made it special on PC. You’ll man your ship through countless space battles, explore countless sectors of deep space, and watch your crew die countless deaths in the vast and pitiless void of space. Oh, well.

A Good Match For: People who like deep simulations and challenging games, anyone who likes Firefly and Star Trek, people who like renaming their crew members after popular 90s teen idols.

Not a Good Match For: Those looking for a casual video-game fling, people who like to win, anyone who doesn’t care for randomly generated challenges that can sometimes seem unfair.


Read our review.

Watch it in action.

Purchase From:The App Store.


In the six years since Civilization V came out, we managed to review it not once but twice. That’s how much these games lend themselves to playing and replaying, and Civ VI is no different. The latest entry adds a lot of new ideas to the Firaxis’s tried-and-true formula, and while some new ideas work better than others, the whole is as usual more than the sum of its parts. The mechanical tweaks and refinements are wrapped up in a subtle, board-game-like aesthetic that is as pleasing on your twentieth hour as it was on your tenth. The iPad version is a fully fledged version of the game, and works well with touch controls. Whether on PC or on a tablet, we’ll be playing this game for years.

A Good Match For:Civ fans, people who have never played a Civ game, basically anyone who doesn’t actively hate Civ.

Not A Good Match For: Anyone who actively hates Civ.

Read our review.

Watch it in action.

Study our tips for the game.

Purchase From: The App Store


Darkest Dungeon is familiar at first: you send a band of intrepid adventurers into the dungeon that lies beneath a huge, spooky mansion. It quickly drops the familiar fantasy RPG veneer and becomes an excruciating, enthralling plunge into the depths of the human psyche. Your characters will suffer traumas physical and psychological as they plumb the depths in search of truth and treasure, and you’ll be tasked with maintaining them as best you can before they inevitably die. Bleak and engrossing, Darkest Dungeon was named one of Kotaku’s favorite video games of 2016 when it was released on PC, and it hasn’t missed a beat on iPad.

A Good Match For: Fans of eldritch horror, those who like a challenge, people who thirst for turn-based combat.

Not A Good Match For: Those who get frustrated by failure, anyone looking for a happy or fanciful adventure, people who like to see the good guys win in the end.


Read our review of the PC version.

Watch it in action.

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Monument Valley is a profoundly relaxing game. It will occupy only an hour or so of your time, but it’ll be a really nice hour. As the princess Ida makes her way through a lonesome and troubled kingdom, you’ll flip and rotate Escher-esque perspective puzzles to allow her to pass through beautiful, mysterious structures. In its brief runtime, Monument Valley manages to combine aspects of games like Fez, The Unfinished Swan and even Journey, while wrapping it all up in art that’s, well… look at the gif, man.

A Good Match For: Anyone looking for a unique, memorable experience, people who like relaxing games.

Not a Good Match For: Those who want a challenge or a long game. Monument Valley is a brief experience, and it’s all pretty straightforward.


Read our review.


Watch it in action.

Purchase From: The App Store.


The Room: Old Sins is just the latest in Fireproof Games’ tremendous Room series. While it expands the “puzzles, except creepy” aesthetic of the first three games, it’s really just the latest in a series that we think you should check out in its entirety. The very first Room is just as fascinating as it was when it came out, and you can’t go wrong downloading the entire collection. Old Sins builds on the sturdy foundation laid by The Room Three as you explore yet another spooky, puzzle-filled old house. Play this game, but really, play all of them.

A Good Match For: Puzzle fans, people who like occult stuff, those who liked any of the other Room games.

Not A Good Match For: The easily frustrated, anyone looking for an action game, those looking for a video game adaptation of a Tommy Wiseau film.


Watch us play the game, and read some initial impressions.

Purchase From:The App Store


By boat, by land, by airship, by giant mechanized city with legs, do you have what it takes to make it… Around the World in 80 Days? That’s the question at the heart of 80 Days, a fantastical re-imagining of Jules Verne’s famous novel that casts you as Passepartout, manservant to the gentleman Phileas Fogg. As a valet, you are responsible for packing the bags, negotiating at markets, and planning the itinerary on your journey ‘round the globe. Each trip will be different from the one before it, and thanks to the game’s peppy writing and frequent surprise detours, each trip will be great deal of fun. 80 Days captures the joy and melancholy of travel with unusual wit and humanity.

A Good Match For: People who like interactive stories, geography buffs, fans of travel.

Not a Good Match For: Anyone looking for a low-investment, pick up/put down action game. Also, those who hate to read—the majority of 80 Days is text-based interactive fiction.


Watch it in action.

Purchase from: The App Store.


Hitman games are famous for their open-ended sandboxes. At their best, they let you creep around a party or a museum, find your target, and creatively take them out. Hitman GO… doesn’t really do that. What it does do, however, is offer a bunch of smart, tightly designed puzzles that gradually become more complicated as you go, but are never too complicated to finish off in the space of a single bus ride. With its stripped down board-game aesthetic and abstract violence, it may not look much like a Hitman game, but it still manages to capture the series’ meticulous, satisfying nature.

A Good Match For: Hitman fans, puzzle fiends, people who like imagining what it means when one board game piece “assassinates” another board game piece.

Not A Good Match For: Those looking for an actual portable Hitman game.

Watch it in action.

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Neo Scavenger doesn’t look like much at first glance, but it’s one of the best survival games out there. It’s a complicated, systems-driven post-apocalyptic adventure game that does most of its work with written text, rather than beautiful visuals. As your survivor awakes in a medical facility outside Detroit, you’ll have to figure out your next moves from there. What follows is an intense, complicated, and often hilarious adventure where your tiniest victories feel snatched from the jaws of cruel fate. Rather than showing you what’s happening, the game will often just describe it to you, letting your imagination do most of the heavy lifting. It’s not the most user-friendly game on the App Store, but it is well worth getting over the initial learning curve.

A Good Match For: Those who like their survival games dense, difficult, and with a steep learning curve. Fans of post-apocalyptic fiction.

Not A Good Match For: The easily frustrated, those who don’t like reading lots of small text, anyone looking for something simple to just pick up and play.


Read our impressions of the PC version.

Watch it in action.

Purchase From:The App Store


Remember Magic: The Gathering? Sure you do. Blizzard’s new card game Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a lot like that, albeit streamlined and easier to pick up and play... and way more addictive. Like FTL, Hearthstone is another game that began on PC but seemed destined for tablets, and boy oh boy does it fit right in. After an hour or two you’ll be building your own custom decks and challenging your friends and strangers to matches, either online or, if you’ve both got iPads in the same room, in person. Each match is over in a matter of minutes, making it easy to fit into your everyday life. And while eventually you might feel tempted to start paying for the random card booster packs, you can wring a whole lot of enjoyment out of Hearthstone without paying a nickel.

A Good Match For: Fans of card games like Magic: The Gathering, people who like Blizzard games, anyone looking for a fun (free!) online multiplayer game for iPad.

Not a Good Match For: High-level perfectionists who don’t want to pay extra, people hoping for an offline option. Hearthstone will do a good job of matching you up against random online players of a similar level, but if you want to build a deck full of rare, powerful cards, you’ll have to sink in some cash.


Best Offline Ios Games 2018

Read our thoughts on the iPad version.

Watch it in action.

Download From: The App Store.


There it is: proof that a multiplatform game released in 2012 can recapture the glories of a 1994 PC classic. The re-imagined XCOM delivers graphical upgrades and interface refinements like you might expect but what really makes it sing is the added attachment that you feel to the battles and the soldiers who fight them. Touch screen controls—pinch to zoom, sliding for camera control and movement and commands done by tapping or double-tapping—feel great on the mobile version, making it feel like very little was sacrificed to bring this accomplished re-imagining to your fingertips. The latest version also adds the excellent Enemy Within expansion, giving you even more ways to fail and watch your while team die screaming.

A Good Match for: Efficiency lovers. This version of human-vs-aliens warfare streamlines gameplay when compared to its predecessor. And the importance of cover in combat and clever deployment of perks makes you consider every decision intensely.

Not a Good Match For: Those who want quick skirmishes. The combat in 2012 XCOM can stretch on way longer than is necessary. Because the battles require active engagement, you can feel chained to a session.


Read our review, and our review of the Enemy Within expansion.

Watch it in action.

Study our tips for the game.

Purchase From:The App Store.


How has this list changed? Read back through our update history:

Update 2/02/2018: We’ve added Darkest Dungeon, Civilization VI, The Witness, The Room: Old Sins, and Neo Scavenger in place of The Room 3, The Walking Dead, Sword & Sworcery EP, Vaingory, and Kingdom Rush.

Update 1/13/2016: The list gets an overdue update: The Room Three bumps off its predecessor The Room Two, and Hitman GO replaces list stalwart Spelltower. Expect more iPad updates in 2016 than we had in 2015. (2018 Update: Well, that was overly optimistic.)


Update 1/15/2015: Our list gets a healthy update as Papers, Please, 80 Days and Vainglory edge off Infinity Blade III, République, and SpaceChem. The expanded XCOM: Enemy Within replaces its predecessor, XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

Update 4/23/2014: The iPad has had a hell of a couple of months, with three new games earning a place on this list. Newcomers FTL: Faster Than Light, Monument Valley and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft push Device 6, World of Goo and Blek off the list.

Update 2/04/14: With a new design comes an opportunity to overhaul our list, adding some games that should’ve been on here while making room for some new ones. Hundreds, Beat Sneak Bandit, Knightmare Tower and The Room all clear out for The Walking Dead, République, Blek and The Room Two.


Update 11/01/13:Two new iPad models come out today. Maybe you’re getting one. Good for you! In the spirit of new stuff, we’re adding some recently released games to the list of games that we think are best for Apple’s tablets. Simogo’s excellent Device 6 takes the spot of Ghost Trick and Infinity Blade III bumps off predecessor Infinity Blade.

Update 08/13/13:Mirrors of Albion and Mirror’s Edge shatter in a billion pieces to make way for the simple, addictive fun of Knightmare Tower and the complex strategy of XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

Update 11/16/2012: Osmos HD gives way to The Room and Mirrors of Albion knocks off Quarrel Deluxe in this latest revision of our list of Bests for the iPad.


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Mobile games are the best source of entertainment and one of the best way to have fun. Nowadays, smartphones have become the perfect companion for video game lovers as they can fire up a game anytime and anyplace. There are thousands of Android and iOS video games available on both App Store and Play Store in almost every genre imaginable. Many games require a strong and stable internet connection to work, which renders them useless where they have no Wifi or internet connection. Games that require internet are sometimes chockfull of annoying popups and ads that disturb the gaming experience. Unfortunately, the majority of the mobile games require an active internet connection, and even if the game doesn’t have any online features, the connection is still needed to upload the gamer information onto the servers. This requirement means the gamers can’t play the game without internet access. Which are the Best Offline Games for Android and iOS? Here is a list where you discover all the Best Games on Play Store and App Store that can be played with no Internet Connection.

Roll the Ball: Slide Puzzle

Roll the Ball: Slide Puzzle is an addictive Single-player Puzzle video game developed and published by BitMango for Android and iOS. The game focuses on sliding puzzle gameplay and lets you move the blocks in their right position to create the path for the ball to reach the end of the level.

Plague Inc.

Plague Inc. is an Android, Windows Phone and iOS Strategy Simulation developed and published by Ndemic Creations. The game lets you create a pathogen and tries to destroy the globe with a horrible plague.

Cut the Rope

Cut the Rope is a Puzzle, Physics-based and Single-player video game series developed by ZeptoLab. Cut the rope is the first game in the series and published by Chillingo in 2010. The series offers an exciting gameplay, in which your main objective is to cut the rope and feed candy to a little cute green creature called Om Nom.

Brothers in Arms 3: Sons of War

Brothers in Arms 3: Sons of War is an Action-Adventure, and Third-person Shooter video game created and published by Gameloft. The game supports both Single and Multiplayer modes, and it is the sequel to Brother in Arm 2: Global Front takes place during the World War II.

The Room Three

The Room Three is a Puzzle, First-person Perspective and Single-player video game developed and published by Fireproof Games for Android and iOS. The game serves as the third title in the series of The Room and takes place in the 3D environment and offers multiple stages.

Lara Croft: Relic Run

Lara Croft: Relic Run is an addictive Endless Running, Action-Adventure and Platform video game by the popular developer Square Enix. The game takes you to go to a number of amazing locations such as Jungles, Deserts and Mountains and allows you to engage yourself into an amazingly immersive and Action-packed game-play, collect amazing items, upgrades and power-ups, Amaze the world with your hardcore parkour skills, and kill some nasty enemies using your Dual Guns and ride on bikes, ATVs etc.


Duet is an Arcade, Puzzle and Single-player video game for Android and iOS by Kumobius. The game introduces new Encore Chapters, features, music tracks and narratives. There are a variety of levels and as the game proceed, it becomes tough.

Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter is an Engaging, Single-player Mobile Simulation developed and published by Bethesda Game Studios. The game takes place in the fictional wasteland and allows you get into the game world where you have to create your vault.

Hill Climb Racing 2

Hill Climb Racing 2 is Racing, Single and Multiplayer Side-scroll developed and published by Fingersoft for Android and iOS. It is the sequel to Hill Climb Racing and introduces character customization and multiplayer mode up to four players.

Bubble Witch Saga

Bubble Witch Saga is an exciting Match-3 type Puzzle video game from the creators of popular Candy Crush Saga and Farm Heroes Saga, King. The game offers a chance to enjoy an enchanting Puzzle Adventure and help Stella, The Witch defeat all the dark forces that are engulfing the country slowly.


Badland is a Sandbox-style Action-Adventure and Puzzle-Platform video game by Frogmind specially designed for Android and iOS devices. The game is available to play on Windows Phone, Blackberry, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One and Steam (Windows) as well.

Plants vs. Zombies 2

Plants vs. Zombies 2 (also known as Plant vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time) is a Strategy, Tower Defense and Single-player video game published by Electronic Arts and developed by PopCap Games.

Angry Birds 2

Angry Birds 2 is a 12th title in the series of Angry Birds, released in 2015 is a Puzzle, Side-scroll and Arcade video game developed by Rovio Entertainment. The game serves as the sequel to Angry Birds and introduces new features such as a new bird named as Silver, Power-ups, Multi-stage Levels, and more.

Talking Tom Gold Run

Talking Tom Gold Run is an Action, Arcade, Endless Runner, Single-player and Multiplayer video game developed and published by Outfit7 for mobile devices. The game offers the beautiful world where it takes place and lets your character from Talking Tom and Talking Angela.

Shadow Fight 2

Shadow Fight 2 is another marvel in the line of Action, RPG and Hack and Slash gaming. This amazingly addictive sequel to the popular Shadow Fight offers a remarkably immersive game-play in which you can select and customize an epic character, equip it with all the amazing weapons, armors, skills and stuff and go hunting your enemies and bosses big time.


Bejeweled is an exciting Match-3 Puzzle video game by PopCap Games. With a record 75 million copies sold and downloaded more than 150 million times, Bejeweled lets you swap different gems and match them with others of the same color to make a horizontal or vertical chain of three or more gems.

Subway Surfers

Subway surfers is a greatly admired and played Endless Running, Action-Adventure and Platform video game. Kiloo a private company developed this master piece of art in collaboration with Sybo Games. Subway Surfers is developed for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8 platforms.

Asphalt 8: Airborne

Asphalt 8: Airborne is an insanely amazing car racing game, developed GameLoft and is a recent and a thrilling addition to the series Asphalt. Initially it was released for iOS and Android only but later on, GameLoft launched PC, Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 versions of the game in 2013 and 2014 respectively.

Crossy Road

Crossy Road is an Arcade, Endless Runner, Single and Multiplayer video game like Frogger developed and published by Hipster for Android, Windows Phone, and iOS. The game includes over 145 exciting characters including twenty-two secret characters and 119 unlockable characters.

Into The Dead

Into The Dead is an Action-Adventure, Endless Runner, Horror-Survival and Single-player video game developed and published by Pikpok. In the game, you can assume the role of the main protagonist and the game takes you to the Zombies infected and Apocalyptic world.

Temple Run 2

Temple Run 2, a sequel to the original game Temple Run is an awesome Endless Running, Action-Adventure, arcade and Platform video game developed and published by Imangi Studios. With a Unity-based game engine, this fascinatingly amazing endless runner is available to play on Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8.

Angry Birds Rio

Angry Birds Rio is an Arcade, Puzzle, Physics-based, and Single-player video game developed and published by Rovio Entertainment. The game serves as the third title in the series of Angry Bird video game and brings an exciting and improved gameplay for you.

Candy Crush Saga

Candy Crush Saga is an award winning and immensely popular Match-3 type Puzzle video game by King. The game is set in the beautiful Candy Kingdom where your task is to match 3 or more of the same kind of candies, blast em’ up and earn exciting prize, game money and upgrades.

Beach Buggy Blitz

Beach Buggy Blitz is a Racing and Single-player video game created and published by Vector Unit for Android and iOS. The environment of the game takes place in the beautiful world and offers the thrilling gameplay with endless driving experience.

Rayman Adventures

Rayman Adventures is an Adventure, Platform and Side-scroll video game developed and published by Ubisoft Entertainment for Android and iOS. It takes place in the beautiful environment where the enchanted jungle is in trouble, the ancient eggs that sustain the sacred tree have been theft by brutal enemies and scattered around the world.

Despicable Me: Minion Rush

Despicable Me: Minion Rush is a fantastic Platfor-Puzzle and Endless Running video game by Gameloft. The game has a huge player base of over 750 million and it won an award of Favorite Endless Runner game of the year.

Infinite Loop

Infinite Loop revolves around Puzzle element developed and published by Infinity Games. It offers the endless gameplay and is about creating intricate patterns. The primary task is to remove the stress from your busy life without any tension to solve the levels in the amazing way.


Mekorama is an Amazing, 3D, Action, Puzzle-Platform, and Single-player video game developed and published by Martin Magni. The game provides you with a fantastic and incredible gameplay, in which you can control a Robot, and must solve the various puzzles to progress in the game.

Flow Free

Flow Free is a Grid-based Puzzle video game by Big Duck Games. The game is specifically designed for mobile platforms and offers playability on iOS and Android devices. The game allows the players to enjoy playing on a Grid filled with squares and colored Dots that occupy some of the Squares on Grid.


2048 is a fantastic Puzzle video game that offers a game-play identical to the popular Threes game. It offers brilliant Swipe and match fun and allows you to match the tiles until all the added tiles sum up as 2048.

Jetpack Joyride

Jetpack Joyride, developed and published by Halfbrick Studios is an Endless Running, Action-Adventure, Arcade and Side Scrolling video game. Originally developed for only iOS, this game became available on other platforms like Flash, Android, PlayStation 3, BlackBerry PlayBook, BlackBerry 10, Windows phone 8 and Microsoft Windows in early 2012.

Doodle Jump

Doodle Jump is a top trending Single and Multiplayer Platform video game by Lima Sky. The game allows the players to control a four legged animal called The Doodler and help him jump over endless platforms.

Hungry Shark Evolution

Hungry Shark Evolution is an Arcade, Side-scroll, Action, and Single-player video game developed by Future Games of London. The game takes place in 3D stunning worlds and lets you explore it and complete the adventure.

Fruit Ninja

Fruit Ninja is a Single and Multiplayer Arcade video game created by Halfbrick Studios. The game allows the players to enjoy playing the game on their Smartphones and tablets. The gameplay of Fruit Ninja is quite easy.

Smash Hit

Smash Hit is an Arcade, First-person, Physics-based, and Single-player video game developed and published by Medicore. The game takes place in the surreal world and puts you on an adventure where you have to explore the endless environment and smash everything in your path while enjoying amazing sound and music.

Geometry Dash Lite

Geometry Dash Lite is a Side-scroll Runner, Platform, Music, and Single-player video game created by Robert Topala and published by Robtop Games. The game revolves around rhythm-based platforming gameplay and introduces more than twenty-one levels and up to thirty million online levels available made by players.

Dragon Mania Legends

Dragon Mania Legends takes you to a beautiful world of Dragonlandia and allows you to reclaim your beautiful world by Capturing, Taming, Training, Raising, Breeding, taking care of your rare Dragons, and with their help fighting legendary battles and by defeating your enemies.

Alto’s Adventure

Alto’s Adventure is an Adventure, Endless Runner, Side-scroll and Single-player video game created and published by Snowman for Android, iOS, and Windows. The game offers snowboarding element and puts the player in the procedurally generated landscapes.

Racing Moto

Racing Moto is a Racing, Third-person Perspective, and Single and Multiplayer video game created by Zukks Games for Android and iOS. The game takes place in the 3D world and consists of two different modes such as Single and Online.

Traffic Rider

Traffic Rider is a Sports, Racing, and Single-player video game developed by Soner Kara for mobile devices and brings the thrilling gameplay for all ages. In the game, the player needs to select his motorbike from available and jump into the game world where he must drive carefully to score the highest points while avoiding the heavy traffic.

CSR Racing 2

CSR Racing 2 brings a brilliant racing experience for those players who love playing driving games. It offers an exciting gameplay revolves around the racing genre developed by NaturalMotionGames Ltd. for mobile platforms.

Smurfs’ Village

Smurfs’ Village takes you to an amazingly colorful world of tiny blue beings Aka. The Smurfs’. The game offers a wonderful City Building and Management Simulation type of game-play and tasks you with finding all the lost Smurfs and rebuilding their homes in the village.

Pixel Dungeon

Pixel Dungeon combines the elements of Dungeon Crawling, Adventure, Rough-like, and Role-playing with Pixel Graphics created and published by Retronic Games. The game takes place in the under the ground and cast you in the role of the protagonist to explore the environment.

Hitman GO

Hitman GO is a fantastic Adventure, Puzzle Platform, Turn-based Strategy and a brilliant Action game that takes you to the beautiful Hitman universe inspired game world where you’ll have to navigate strategically in order to eliminate your enemies and to solve some really challenging and difficult puzzles.

Deus Ex GO

Deus Ex GO focuses on Puzzle, Turn-based and Top-down perspective gameplay published and developed by Square Enix for mobile devices as well as Windows. In the game, the player takes on the protagonist’s role named as Adam Jensen, who must solve a variety of puzzles through a board game in the cyberpunk-themed while avoiding obstacles and traps.

Lara Croft GO

Lara Croft GO puts your favorite character into another guise just to offer you more variety and fun all together. This fantastic game is basically a brilliantly developed Adventure-based Puzzle Platformer that takes you to the forgotten worlds where you are tasked to explore the Ancient Ruins of long lost civilizations in order to uncover the secrets of the myth of “Queen of Venom” and to find rare artifacts.

SimCity Buildit

SimCity Buildit is an addictive and quite brilliant Building and Management Simulation by Electronic Arts (EA). The game lets the players be the mayor of a city, construct various types of buildings, factories, research facilities, generate and collect resources, etc.


Crashlands is an Impressive, Action-Adventure, Crafting, 2D, Role-playing, and Single-player video game created and published by Butterscotch Shenanigans. The game offers fast-paced gameplay and provides with the combination of Craft, Quest, Battle, Survival and Sandbox elements.

Minecraft Pocket Edition

Minecraft Pocket Edition is a super amazing Sandbox and Mining game inspired by the popular Minecraft video game. The game allows you to explore a randomly generated 2D world, dig into the ground, collect minerals and ores, mine for riches, take them to surface and sell them.


Limbo is an award winning Puzzle-Platform and Action-Adventure video game by PlayDead. The game offers wonderfully immersive game-play and lets you enjoy a Side-Scrolling marvel in which your task is to be a little kid, travel through a dark jungle, solve a number of puzzles in order to carry on your way and defeat some nasty monsters to survive.