Pangya 4.9 Offline Thai Edition


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Windows 95 Thai Edition differences

From this page you'll learn about the differences between Windows 95 and Windows 95 Thai Edition. Windows 95 Thai Edition is the Windows 95 specialised for use in Thailand, which has Thai support while the standard Windows 95 don't have Thai support.
Setup wizard
Unlike Windows 3.11 Thai Edition, setup wizard in Windows 95 Thai Edition is always in English.
The Windows 95 Setup Wizard welcome message is not present in Windows 95 Thai Edition.
In Windows 95 Thai Edition, these an extra option during the Get Connected step called 'Use with the Thai Edition of Microsoft Exchange', which allows you to use the Thai Edition of the Microsoft Exchange program and WordPad. However, you can only choose either the English or Thai edition.
Startup screen
In Windows 95 Thai Edition, the Readme file was added on the desktop, and is written in Thai. However, in the standard edition of Windows 95, Readme can be accessed using C:WINDOWSREADME.TXT command.
Start button
In Windows 95 Thai Edition, the Start button is in two languages: Thai and English.
In Windows 95 Thai Edition, you can switch between input methods by clicking the En/Th button on the notification area and then choose an input language:

Wallpaper name differences
Name of the bitmap wallpapers have different names in Windows 95 Thai Edition. However, bitmaps with the same name between Windows 95 and Windows 95 Thai Edition, are not listed.
BitmapWindows 95Windows 95 Thai Edition
Black ThatchThatch2
Blue RivetsRivets2
Carved StoneEgypt
Gold WeaveGator
Metal LinksMesh
Red Blocks3DBLOCKS
Straw MatBamboo

Thai fonts such as Angsana New, Browallia New, etc were added to Windows 95 Thai Edition.
Control Panel: Keyboard
In Windows 95 Thai Edition, two input languages are available.

Control Panel: Mail and Fax/Microsoft Mail Postoffice
In Windows 95 Thai Edition, if the Thai Edition of the Microsoft Exchange program is installed, these Control Panel options will be in Thai.
Control Panel: Regional Settings
The regional setting 'Thai' is present only in Windows 95 Thai Edition and it is also a default option in Windows 95 Thai Edition.
Windows 95Windows 95 Thai Edition
In Windows 95 Thai Editon, the bottom side of the calculator window has larger space.
Notepad (notepad.exe) has a different font between Windows 95 and Windows 95 Thai Edition (especially the number 0).
In Windows 95 Thai Edition, you can choose either the English or Thai edition of WordPad. The Thai edition of WordPad is called 'WordPad Thai' instead of 'WordPad', and the program itself is in Thai.

Pangya Offline 4.9 Thai Edition

-helpLists the available commands
-adapterUse the specified screen adapter
-autoconfigAutomatically adjust quality setting to maintain desired frame rate (15-120)
-availablevidmemSet amount of physical Video Memory
-benchmarkLaunches the game in Benchmark mode and then quits it
-detailqualitySet the detail quality of the game (0-99)
-disableimpostersTurn off imposter rendering for vehicles
-forcehighqualitymirrorsEnable 64 bit mirrors
-forcer2vbForce Render to Vertex Buffer
-frameLimit Limits your FPS to your refresh rate
-framelockinwindowForce framelock to work even in a window
-fullscreenForce fullscreen mode
-fullspecaudioForce high-end CPU audio footprint
-gpucountLets you manually set the GPU count if query fails
-heightSets the vertical resolution
-managedUse D3D runtime managed resources
-memrestrictSet the restriction the amount of available memory for the game
-minspecaudioForce low-end CPU audio footprint
-no_3GBDisable 32-bit OS with /3GB
-noBlockOnLostFocusDon't block the window update when it loses focus.
-noprecacheDisable precache of resources
-nomemrestrictDisable memory restrictions
-nominimizeDisables the ability to restore the game from minimize and changing resolutions (Reduces System Memory Footprint)
-norestrictionsDo not limit graphics settings
-noswapdelayDisable sleep delay before Present (Disable fix for hard Present stalls)
-notimefix Disable Time Fix
-novblankDisables V-Sync
-percentvidmemPercentage of Video memory to make available for the game
-refreshrateSet the refresh rate (Must be supported by your monitor)
-reserveAmount of memory to set aside for other applications
-reservedAppAmount of memory to leave available within application space
-renderquality Set the render quality of the game (0-4)
-safemodeSets graphics setting to lowest setting
-shadowdensitySet the number of lights that cast shadows (0-16)
-shadowqualitySet the shadow quality (0-4)
-stereoSet game to support stereo rendering mode
-texturequalitySet the texture quality of the game (0-2)
-unmanagedUse application managed resources
-usedirectinputAllow DirectInput alongside XInput support.
-viewdistanceSet the view distance of the game (0-99)
-windowedForce windowed mode
-widthSets the horizontal resolution